I am going to Paris in less than three weeks. There are so many asspects of this trip that I should be looking forward to. The class I am taking, enjoying my new favorite cuisine, being there with lovely people, discovering if flirting in France is the same as flirting in Los Angeles just to name a few. I however, can only think about how nice it will be to not have to drive for a few days. No concern that my transportation will be towed, reposessed, empounded, crashed into*, stalled, lauphed at, shat upon, or sent to bed with no supper**. Strang to feel so much freedom leaving the USA for France.
*Not that I couldn't be crashed into in Paris, but it would be so Lady Di I think I could handle it.
**Supper is a nice word. Hence forth, all eveing meals are to be referred to as supper.
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